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Produkt zum Begriff Microsoft Azure:

  • Microsoft Azure Security Center
    Microsoft Azure Security Center

    The definitive practical guide to Azure Security Center, 50%+ rewritten for new features, capabilities, and threats Extensively revised for updates through spring 2021 this guide will help you safeguard cloud and hybrid environments at scale. Two Azure Security Center insiders help you apply Microsoft's powerful new components and capabilities to improve protection, detection, and response in key operational scenarios. You'll learn how to secure any workload, respond to new threat vectors, and address issues ranging from policies to risk management. This edition contains new coverage of all Azure Defender plans for cloud workload protection, security posture management with Secure Score, advanced automation, multi-cloud support, integration with Azure Sentinel, APIs, and more. Throughout, you'll find expert insights, tips, tricks, and optimizations straight from Microsoft's ASC team. They'll help you solve cloud security problems far more effectivelyand save hours, days, or even weeks. Two of Microsoft's leading cloud security experts show how to: Understand today's threat landscape, cloud weaponization, cyber kill chains, and the need to assume breach Integrate Azure Security Center to centralize and improve cloud security, even if you use multiple cloud providers Leverage major Azure Policy improvements to deploy, remediate, and protect at scale Use Secure Score to prioritize actions for hardening each workload Enable Azure Defender plans for different workloads, including Storage, KeyVault, App Service, Kubernetes and more Monitor IoT solutions, detect threats, and investigate suspicious activities on IoT devices Reduce attack surfaces via just-in-time VM access, file integrity monitoring, and other techniques Route Azure Defender alerts to Azure Sentinel or a third-party SIEM for correlation and action Access alerts via HTTP, using ASC's REST API and the Microsoft Graph Security API Reliably deploy resources at scale, using JSON-based ARM templatesAbout This BookFor architects, designers, implementers, operations professionals, developers, and security specialists working in Microsoft Azure cloud or hybrid environmentsFor all IT professionals and decisionmakers concerned with the security of Azure environments

    Preis: 33.16 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Microsoft Azure Network Security
    Microsoft Azure Network Security

    Master a complete strategy for protecting any Azure cloud network environment! Network security is crucial to safely deploying and managing Azure cloud resources in any environment. Now, two of Microsoft's leading experts present a comprehensive, cloud-native approach to protecting your network, and safeguarding all your Azure systems and assets. Nicholas DiCola and Anthony Roman begin with a thoughtful overview of network security's role in the cloud. Next, they offer practical, real-world guidance on deploying cloud-native solutions for firewalling, DDOS, WAF, and other foundational services all within a best-practice secure network architecture based on proven design patterns. Two of Microsoft's leading Azure network security experts show how to:Review Azure components and services for securing network infrastructure, and the threats to consider in using themLayer cloud security into a Zero Trust approach that helps limit or contain attacksCentrally direct and inspect traffic with the managed, stateful, Platform-as-a-Service Azure FirewallImprove visibility into Azure traffic with Deep Packet InspectionOptimize the way network and web application security work togetherUse Azure DDoS Protection (Basic and Standard) to mitigate Layer 3 (volumetric) and Layer 4 (protocol) DDoS attacksEnable log collection for Firewall, DDoS, WAF, and Bastion; and configure NSG Flow Logs and Traffic AnalyticsContinually monitor network security with Azure Sentinel, Security Center, and Network WatcherCustomize queries, playbooks, workbooks, and alerts when Azure's robust out-of-the-box alerts and tools aren't enoughBuild and maintain secure architecture designs that scale smoothly to handle growing complexity About This BookFor Security Operations (SecOps) analysts, cybersecurity/information security professionals, network security engineers, and other IT professionalsFor individuals with security responsibilities in any Azure environment, no matter how large, small, simple, or complex

    Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Programming Microsoft Azure Service Fabric
    Programming Microsoft Azure Service Fabric

    Build, operate, and orchestrate scalable microservices applications in the cloud  This book combines a comprehensive guide to success with Microsoft Azure Service Fabric and a practical catalog of design patterns and best practices for microservices design, implementation, and operation. Haishi Bai brings together all the information you’ll need to deliver scalable and reliable distributed microservices applications on Service Fabric. He thoroughly covers the crucial DevOps aspects of utilizing Service Fabric, reviews its interactions with key cloud-based services, and introduces essential service integration mechanisms such as messaging systems and reactive systems.  Leading Microsoft Azure expert Haishi Bai shows how to: Set up your Service Fabric development environment Program and deploy Service Fabric applications to a local or a cloud-based cluster Compare and use stateful services, stateless services, and the actor model Design Service Fabric applications to maximize availability, reliability, and scalability Improve management efficiency via scripting Configure network security and other advanced cluster settings Collect diagnostic data, and use Azure Operational Management Suite to interpret it Integrate microservices components developed in parallel Use containers to mobilize applications for failover, replication, scaling, and load balancing Streamline containerization with Docker in Linux and Windows environments Orchestrate containers to schedule workloads and maintain services at desired states Implement proven design patterns for common cloud application workloads Balance throughput, latency, scalability, and cost 

    Preis: 37.44 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Microsoft Azure Compute: The Definitive Guide
    Microsoft Azure Compute: The Definitive Guide

    Proven best practices for success with every Azure compute service!Compute services are key to most Azure cloud solutions, but maximizing their value requires best-practice planning, design, deployment, and operations. Now, leading consultant Avinash Valiramani presents expert guidance for driving maximum value from Microsoft's portfolio of Azure compute services for IaaS, PaaS, and FaaS. Drawing on his extensive work with Microsoft's Azure teams, he covers Azure VMs, VM Scale Sets, App Services, Azure Virtual Desktops, Azure Container Instances, Azure Functions, Azure Batch, and other Compute services. Whatever your role in delivering efficient, scalable compute services, this deep dive will help you make the most of your Azure investment. Leading Azure consultant Avinash Valiramani shows how to:Dive deeply into the frequently used Azure Compute services to better understand how each service worksWalk through configuring each compute service and its related features and optionsSize, price, and create Azure VMs, and deliver the right levels of redundancy and availabilityUse VM Scale Sets (VMSS) to integrate VMs with load balancing and autoscalingHost web applications, mobile app back ends, and REST APIs via Azure App ServiceRun desktops-as-a-service at scale with Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD)Easily deploy containers on demand with Azure Container Instances (ACIs)Use serverless Azure Functions to build web APIs, process streams, and manage message queues About this BookFor everyone interested in Azure infrastructure, including IT/cloud admins, security specialists, developers, engineers, and others at all levels of Azure compute experience.Especially useful for experienced IT pros in mid-sized to large organizations who have deployed, operated, monitored, upgraded, migrated, or designed infrastructure services.

    Preis: 33.16 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was ist Microsoft Teams 18? - Was ist Microsoft Teams 18?

    Microsoft Teams 18 ist eine Kommunikations- und Kollaborationsplattform, die von Microsoft entwickelt wurde. Es ermöglicht Teams, an verschiedenen Projekten zusammenzuarbeiten, Dateien zu teilen, Chats zu führen und Videokonferenzen abzuhalten. Mit Microsoft Teams 18 können Nutzer auch Integrationen von Drittanbietern nutzen, um ihre Arbeitsabläufe zu optimieren und effizienter zu gestalten. Die Plattform bietet eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, die es Teams erleichtern, effektiv zusammenzuarbeiten und produktiv zu sein.

  • Kann man den Microsoft Flight Simulator mit mobilen Daten spielen?

    Ja, es ist möglich, den Microsoft Flight Simulator mit mobilen Daten zu spielen. Allerdings hängt die Qualität des Spielens von der Stärke und Stabilität der mobilen Datenverbindung ab. Eine schnelle und zuverlässige Verbindung ist erforderlich, um eine reibungslose und unterbrechungsfreie Erfahrung zu gewährleisten. Es ist auch wichtig, das Datenvolumen im Auge zu behalten, da das Spiel große Datenmengen herunterladen und übertragen kann.

  • Ist Microsoft vertrauenswürdig?

    Microsoft ist ein weltweit bekanntes und etabliertes Unternehmen, das seit vielen Jahren in der Technologiebranche tätig ist. Es hat eine lange Geschichte in der Bereitstellung von Software und Dienstleistungen für Unternehmen und Privatpersonen. Obwohl es in der Vergangenheit Bedenken hinsichtlich der Datensicherheit und des Datenschutzes gab, hat Microsoft in den letzten Jahren Maßnahmen ergriffen, um das Vertrauen der Benutzer zu stärken und die Sicherheit seiner Produkte zu verbessern. Letztendlich hängt die Vertrauenswürdigkeit von Microsoft von den individuellen Bedürfnissen und Risikobereitschaften des Benutzers ab.

  • Welche Probleme gibt es mit dem Internet beim Microsoft Flight Simulator?

    Einige Probleme, die mit dem Internet beim Microsoft Flight Simulator auftreten können, sind Verbindungsabbrüche während des Spielens, langsame Download-Geschwindigkeiten für Updates und Patches sowie Serverüberlastungen, die zu Verzögerungen oder Einschränkungen beim Zugriff auf Online-Funktionen führen können. Ein weiteres Problem kann die Kompatibilität mit bestimmten Internetanbietern oder Routern sein, was zu Verbindungsproblemen führen kann.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Microsoft Azure:

  • Microsoft Azure Active Directory Premium P1
    Microsoft Azure Active Directory Premium P1

    Microsoft Azure Active Directory Premium P1

    Preis: 74.95 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Microsoft Azure Networking: The Definitive Guide
    Microsoft Azure Networking: The Definitive Guide

    Proven best practices for success with every Azure networking serviceFor cloud environments to operate and scale optimally, their networking services must be designed, deployed, and managed well. Now, there's a complete, best-practice guide to doing just that. Writing for everyone involved in delivering Azure workloads and services, leading cloud consultant Avinash Valiramani provides a deep dive and practical field advice for Azure Virtual Networks, Azure VPN Gateways, Azure Load Balancing, Azure Traffic Manager, Azure Firewall, Azure DNS, Azure Bastion, Azure Front Door and more. Whatever your role in delivering efficient, scalable networking services, this guide will help you make the most of your Azure investment.Leading Azure consultant Avinash Valiramani shows how to:Use Azure Virtual Networks to establish a backbone for hosting other Azure resourcesProvide HTTP/HTTPS load-balancing and routing for web servers and apps through Azure Application GatewayConnect on-premises and other public networks to Azure for secure communications using the Azure VPN Gateway serviceProvide secure load balancing to apps from internal and public networks using Azure Load Balancer servicesIntegrate Azure Firewall to centrally protect Azure resources across multiple subscriptionsAccess globally scaled, fully-managed DNS services with 100% SLA from the closest Azure DNS serversProvide optimal network routing to the closest application endpoint for public-facing applications with Azure Traffic ManagerUse Microsoft's global edge network along with Azure Front Door to speed up access, harden security and enhance scalability for consuming-facing and internal web applicationsAlso look for these Definitive Guides to Azure success:Microsoft Azure Compute: The Definitive GuideMicrosoft Azure Monitoring and Management: The Definitive GuideMicrosoft Azure Storage: The Definitive Guide

    Preis: 37.44 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Microsoft Azure Storage: The Definitive Guide
    Microsoft Azure Storage: The Definitive Guide

    Master best practices for success with all aspects of Azure cloud storage For cloud environments to operate and scale as they should, their storage components must be designed and configured well. Now, there's a complete, best-practice guide to designing, deploying, and managing Azure storage services for maximum performance, scalability, and value. Leading cloud consultant Avinash Valiramani shows how to make the most of Azure storage tools and services to reduce downtime, avoid unnecessary costs, simplify management, and maintain excellent performance no matter how large you scale. You'll fi nd detailed, expert coverage of Azure blob, fi le, queue storage, managed disks, Data Share, Data Box, and more. Whatever your role in delivering efficient, reliable cloud services, this deep dive will help you make the most of your Azure investment. Leading Azure consultant Avinash Valiramani shows how to: Use Blob Storage to store and access large volumes of unstructured data in the cloud, including application data, streaming content, logs, backups, and archival data Replace traditional on-premise file servers with Azure Files to provide scalable shared fi le storage services over SMB and NFS Implement Managed Disks to provide scalable, secure, and redundant disks for virtual machines in Azure Promote scalability and resilience in large distributed applications with Azure Queue Storage Import/export large data volumes across Azure storage services with Azure Data Box Establish secure, automated, and manageable global data sharing with Azure Data Share About This Book For all IT, cloud, infrastructure, storage, and virtualization administrators or architects at all levels of Azure experience Especially useful to IT pros in mid- to large-sized organizations who have deployed, operated, monitored, upgraded, migrated, or designed cloud services Also look for these Definitive Guides to Azure success: Microsoft Azure Compute: The Definitive Guide Microsoft Azure Networking: The Definitive Guide Microsoft Azure Monitoring and Management: The Definitive Guide

    Preis: 35.3 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Microsoft Azure Security Center
    Microsoft Azure Security Center

    The definitive practical guide to Azure Security Center, 50%+ rewritten for new features, capabilities, and threats Extensively revised for updates through spring 2021 this guide will help you safeguard cloud and hybrid environments at scale. Two Azure Security Center insiders help you apply Microsoft's powerful new components and capabilities to improve protection, detection, and response in key operational scenarios. You'll learn how to secure any workload, respond to new threat vectors, and address issues ranging from policies to risk management. This edition contains new coverage of all Azure Defender plans for cloud workload protection, security posture management with Secure Score, advanced automation, multi-cloud support, integration with Azure Sentinel, APIs, and more. Throughout, you'll find expert insights, tips, tricks, and optimizations straight from Microsoft's ASC team. They'll help you solve cloud security problems far more effectivelyand save hours, days, or even weeks. Two of Microsoft's leading cloud security experts show how to: Understand today's threat landscape, cloud weaponization, cyber kill chains, and the need to assume breach Integrate Azure Security Center to centralize and improve cloud security, even if you use multiple cloud providers Leverage major Azure Policy improvements to deploy, remediate, and protect at scale Use Secure Score to prioritize actions for hardening each workload Enable Azure Defender plans for different workloads, including Storage, KeyVault, App Service, Kubernetes and more Monitor IoT solutions, detect threats, and investigate suspicious activities on IoT devices Reduce attack surfaces via just-in-time VM access, file integrity monitoring, and other techniques Route Azure Defender alerts to Azure Sentinel or a third-party SIEM for correlation and action Access alerts via HTTP, using ASC's REST API and the Microsoft Graph Security API Reliably deploy resources at scale, using JSON-based ARM templatesAbout This BookFor architects, designers, implementers, operations professionals, developers, and security specialists working in Microsoft Azure cloud or hybrid environmentsFor all IT professionals and decisionmakers concerned with the security of Azure environments

    Preis: 33.16 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Kann man Microsoft Teams ohne ein Microsoft-Konto verwenden oder folgen?

    Nein, um Microsoft Teams zu verwenden, benötigt man ein Microsoft-Konto. Es ist jedoch möglich, dass man als Gast an einer Teams-Besprechung teilnehmen kann, ohne ein Konto zu haben. In diesem Fall erhält man eine Einladung per E-Mail und kann über den Webbrowser auf die Besprechung zugreifen.

  • Betrügt Microsoft mit Vertragsverlängerungen?

    Es gibt keine Beweise dafür, dass Microsoft mit Vertragsverlängerungen betrügt. Es ist jedoch möglich, dass es in Einzelfällen zu Missverständnissen oder Kommunikationsproblemen kommen kann, die zu Unzufriedenheit führen. Es ist ratsam, Vertragsverlängerungen sorgfältig zu prüfen und bei Unklarheiten den Kundenservice von Microsoft zu kontaktieren.

  • Könnte Microsoft an alle mit einem Microsoft-Konto eine E-Mail schreiben?

    Ja, Microsoft könnte theoretisch an alle Personen mit einem Microsoft-Konto eine E-Mail schreiben. Allerdings ist es unwahrscheinlich, dass sie dies tatsächlich tun, da dies eine enorme Anzahl von Menschen beträfe und möglicherweise als Spam angesehen werden könnte. Normalerweise sendet Microsoft E-Mails nur an Benutzer, wenn es um wichtige Informationen oder Updates zu ihren Diensten geht.

  • Was hat Microsoft gelöscht?

    Es ist nicht klar, auf welchen konkreten Vorfall oder welche Aktion von Microsoft sich die Frage bezieht. Microsoft hat im Laufe der Jahre verschiedene Produkte, Dienste oder Funktionen eingestellt oder entfernt, um Platz für neue Entwicklungen zu schaffen. Ein bekanntes Beispiel ist das Ende des Betriebssystems Windows 7, das nicht mehr unterstützt wird.

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